Great day of training and fun
On Oct. 6 we held our first annual retreat in Morgan County, Utah. It was a phenomenal day, with over four fours of pistol training from Tactical Cowboys Training Solutions.
Everybody had a great time, and even those with decades of professional firearms experience say that they learned something new.
Indispensables Awards
We recognized a number of individuals in the community who have proven themselves to be indispensable in what has truly become a fight to preserve our constitutional republic.
President Stuart Adams, Indispensable Legislative Leader
Senate President Stuart Adams has brought to the legislature many of the skills he learned in business - the importance of bringing everybody to the table, looking for ways to work together with those who are willing, and always, always holding the line on the important principles. He has been a champion of the protection of religious liberties; worked to support school choice for children and their families; and throughout the last few years, he held the line firmly in support of small business against other elected leaders who were willing to violate the rights of Utahns and destroy our economy in the process. President Adams has never asked for credit for his role in helping to guide our state through Covid, but his work as an Indispensable Legislative Leader was essential in it.
Mayor Trent Staggs, Indispensable Local Official
Mayor Trent Staggs is a successful businessman who sacrifices his time in public service and understands the role of the individual in a free society. As mayor of Riverton, he has used his position to support pro-life policies, to push back against county tax increases, and to protect his city's residents against efforts by the county to mandate masks. Mayor Trent Staggs isn't afraid to stand alone, and is one of those rare Indispensable Local Officials, for which we're grateful.
Jiri Navratil, Indispensable Citizen
Jiri Navratil moved with his wife, Beata, and three children to Draper in November 2020 and became curious after his city used Ranked Choice Voting in the selection of city council members in 2021. He struggled to get county data from the Salt Lake County Clerk’s office, but when he was finally able to look at the data from races in neighboring Utah County and Moab, he decided to write an algorithm to analyze it.
Jiri recently published a report with Warren D. Smith of The Center for Range Voting which showed significant anomalies in Utah’s 2021 municipal RCV elections. He has been presenting his findings to elected officials around the state since the report was published, hoping the Utah Legislature will require a statewide analysis of RCV races for what is currently a pilot program. Jiri is an active and involved member of the community, using his education and skills to provide the public and elected officials with greater information and transparency of our election system and has found himself as an Indispensable Citizen.
Jared Whitley, Indispensable Media Contributor
Most Utahns are unaware, but our state is home to one of the top conservative media contributors in the nation. Jared Whitley is frequently featured in major national conservative publications. At a time when those who speak truth are being cancelled and their voices are supressed, Jared continues to unflinchingly tell it like it is. He refuses to be intimidated by the leftist culture of oppression as he directly, forcefully, and eloquently makes the case for the principles upon which this nation was founded, making Jared Whitley an Indispensable Media Contributor.
Bobby Clayson, Indispensable Problem Solver
Bobby Clayson's career was built on finding a solution to the very new problem of tax reporting for digital assets. He is currently working with a group to develop a free-market solution to creatively and substantively address one of the roadblocks to a more sustainable local food supply chain. He's also involved with a group of individuals working to expand local media options to more diverse viewpoints so that members of the public are better informed. Many are able to see the problems around us, but a very few effectively move beyond to identify solutions and then take action. In everything he does, Bobby proves himself to be an Indispensable Problem Solver.
Harriet Hageman
We finished off the evening hearing from special guest, Harriet Hageman. Harriet spent decades as an attorney, defending the rights of the individual against abusive government. She is currently the Republican nominee for the at-large US House seat in Wyoming.
Harriet spoke about hinge points in our history that have led our country down the current path that we're on. From the War on Poverty that led to the destruction of the black family, to Roe v. Wade which further eroded family formation and stability for children, to the federalizing of the responsibility for the education of our children, all the way to the monetization of the White House in recent decades. Step by step, through larger and larger government action, our entire nation and society have transformed into what we have today.
Join us next year
We hope to see you all for another awesome retreat next year. You won't want to miss it!